Tag Archives: adventure
Director’s Briefing – April 2015
Welcome to the forty-sixth Briefing and the fourth scheduled Briefing for 2015. As a historical note, Terry Amthor reminded me that on this day (April 1st) thirty-five years ago that at a meeting in a Mexican restaurant in … Continue reading
Director’s Briefing – February 2015
Welcome to the forty-fourth Briefing and the second scheduled Briefing for 2015. January has been a painful month for me of assignment marking (I have mentioned that I hate marking?), course specification writing, and dealing with dampproofers (so our … Continue reading
Director’s Briefing – November 2014
Welcome to the forty-first Briefing and the eleventh scheduled Briefing for 2014. Missing cats At one of the stations on my morning commute, there is an advertising stand for the regional daily newspaper, which displays the headline … Continue reading
GMing for first time gamers
I’ve managed to convince some friends who have never gamed before to let me run a one off game for them. My plan is for it to be so good that they consider playing on a more regular basis (or … Continue reading
Proteus by AppEndix out now
Appendix, the creators of the brilliant Sherlock Holmes: Murder at the Diogenes club and Sherlock Holmes – The black river emerald have just released yet another brilliant product: PROTEUS – THE TOWER OF TERROR Written by … Continue reading